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somewhere, Tennessee, United States
i am who i am. to know me is to love me.....i am trying to become the person god wants me to be.......

Saturday, April 25, 2009

But she looks like a man

So I was talking to Bff earlier today. She coaches two softball teams(don't know how she has the time). And the ex fiance we will call her snowflake,plays for a opposing team. Today was the first day they have played against each other in their league. Snowflake has a new boo who she has thrown all in my bff's face. Now snowflake was not a lesbian before she dated my bff but all of a sudden after they broke up she never wanted to go back to men again. The first girl she becomes wifey to looks like a man. (go figure). She is not attractive at all. Why is it the one right after u is usually never as attractive as you?Anyway. They are so in love after a month(damn lesbians always moving fast). They have matching tatoos and everything. Now my bff has a boo to. The use to be best friend of snowflake. Drama I know.

Well they all were at the game and needless to say comments were made back and forth. Thankful a cat fight did not break out and I did not have to drive out to the game to stop anyone from going to jail. But it is clear to me that feelings still exist between snowflake and my bff. They don't want to admit it but the fact that they were still texting each other and the fact that my bff was getting more upset as she put up new pics of her and the man,was enough. I think that there breakup really had no closure and they just never really let it go. I mean they were engaged and ready to spend the rest of their lives with each other. I think that after a relationship like that u need to take time to get yourself and your feelings together. But neither of them did that. The new girl for snowflake is a typical stud and since she has never dated one I give it about 6 months before her happy wanna be life falls apart. The girl lives in ATL which is about 4 hours away from us. To think that she will not cheat is hard to stomach. Maybe she will prove me wrong,but I doubt it.Anybody want to put some money on it?lol

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