About Me

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somewhere, Tennessee, United States
i am who i am. to know me is to love me.....i am trying to become the person god wants me to be.......

Sunday, June 10, 2007

i got a lot to say

see what happens when you don't blog on the regular. well i am in summer school right now. and it is killing me! it's only killing me because i have to 40 hours on top of it. thank the lord i don't have a family and other major responsibilities to take care of .....i don't know how the other people in my class do it. but anyway if i pass all three of my classes ,and pass my comp tests......master's degree here i come!!!. it's a great feeling.....and i know that my mom will be ever so proud to look down from heaven and see my cross the stage again. maybe ill carry her with me again(my first college graduation i took a picture frame with her pictures in it across the stage with me). only time will tell. and on a side note my air is out in my apartment and i am about to fall out!!!!!

24 hour maintenance my ass!!!!!

goodnight world!!!

growing and learning

i have a best friend. we just recently got cool. we are going into a year of being around each other and i must admit they put a smile on my face that has never been there before. someone close to me recently told me that they could tell i had feelings even though i didn't want to admit it.

and well after careful reevaluation......yes yes i do. i constantly tell this person it is not like that. but me and them both know that it is there. i don't know if it is mutual in anyway but for me it is there. we have been thru a lot and i think i have made a good impression so far. it is so hard to find someone in your life sometimes that you can be just yourself around.

i don't have to pretend to be something that i am not and i can share anything with this person.(and not to mention the flirting is so much fun!!!) i want to go a step further,just a little step but i don't know if that will ever happen. this person has grown a lot since i have known them and well they make me proud. they get along with all my friends and we can genuinely have fun together doing some of the craziest things.

its crazy having feelings and not being able to tell the person ......maybe one day ill be totally open but until then ill be putting my fingers to the keys writing and typing of love.......

perfectly imperfect

OK so i have had yet to really get deep in my new blog. this isn't my first blog. i had one before this but i decided to erase it from every one's mind and start a new. some people that knew about the other i didn't want to bring back into my blog world. my blog is kind of like my secret getaway. no one knows me here unless i bring them here.

so on to my subject at hand.....my little secret.

there is something about me only a hand full of people know. some think they know but they have never came out and asked me bout it. but i have been in love in the past couple of years and not with whom you may think. it was a .... if you are smart you will put the context clues together. it was serious i must admit and it was for me a eye- opening experience. i learned a lot about myself. one thing a person close to me called was well....."a sucker". and i am a sucker,sucker for love.

i love hard. my feelings come first and then i think. which well gets you in a lot of trouble. i wouldn't change anything about the past two and half years. it was a learning experience and i am ready to still grown more from it and hopefully gain more than i ever thought i could. here is to letting go and letting whatever happens ....happen