About Me

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somewhere, Tennessee, United States
i am who i am. to know me is to love me.....i am trying to become the person god wants me to be.......

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

V-day and all that

Well let's say I don't believe in commercial love. I lay it all out on the line.....like it or love it. love is something you can't be afraid of....you have to embrace it. My dad taught me best. You should love the one you are with all the time,and always show how you feel.I had a good v-day. me and my boo had a good day. I got her breakfast her fav,and I got her a gift. It was a tide pen for her clothes. yea i know sounds cheesy but it was the thought behind it. She has a new job and she has to wear white shirts all the time. If she gets a stain at work she can get it out real quick. Remember people it is not always about the amount of money spent but the thought. For lunch I got her a subway sand which(trying to watch the weight lol) and a second gift. She lobes gospel music so I got her a Fred Hammond cd. And lastly I got dinner for us at home and got her a new dvd that came out. It wasn't extravagant but It came from the heart. Many times people focus to much on how much money they spend instead of the thought about the gifts. I also got two of my friends gifts. I like to spread the love around lol. They loved their gifts and it made me happy. i got one a dvd and the other a cd that i made and some apple juice,lol yea i know sounds corny but it is her fav. I try to pay attention to people.enough of that I'll be back soon.........

The wonderful month of february

Well the month is almost over and I must admit I haven't gotten everything I wanted to ,but it has been a blessing never the less. I haven't really been blogging much ,because well life is a ever moving door for me.My birthday was this month and well it went a whole lot better than I thought it would. I got to see a childhood friend i haven't seen in over 10 years it was great to see her. I hope we get to see more of each other. I also got to spend time with some of my closet college friends which is always good. It was a nice night of food ,drinks and laughter. I enjoyed myself.This was one of the drinks I had. It was So GOOOD! One of my former managers/friends/confidants/ all wrapped up in one just got married. It was a beautiful wedding and I got to be one of the photographers. I really want to get into the business and I believe I can turn some of these shots into some good work for my portfolio. If there is one think I know I can be passionate and when I set my mind to something it can happen. Here are a few shots.
I love the people I have around me. They motivate me so much. I went thru some very bad experiences in 07 and I don't want to repeat those mistakes so I am moving forward. There was one situation that was still bothering me but I realized that I couldn't be blessed until I let go of it. This person got plenty of blessings from me and I hope they enjoyed them.
And last but not least it is black history month. My pride my heritage is very important to me. I would want nothing more then to be African American. We have a spirit about us that is so special and magical. We have so much spirit and we want for so many things. And the creativity is beyond measure. I love being black!!!!!!
Much love........

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Countdown begins.....

So it is February...Black History month....an important time for African Americans worldwide. This is a time I should be celebrating my heritage and what I mean to this world and how I should put my stamp on American and be seen as another successful African- American woman. But alas I am sitting here looking towards my 26th birthday with no money,no good joba nd no outlook on where the rest of my life will go. People around constantly tell me to be patient and not towrry,but the bill collectors don't care about God and the plan he has for me...all they care about is the MONEY. If more people these so called christains really cared about people in the way that they should bibically,don;t you think everything would be closed on sunday except church?Or resutarants wouldn't sell certain foods during certain holidays or time of the year. Seldom does society use the bible when it should but only when it is conveniant. I believe that there is better times coming my way but the bills keep coming and my time to make that chedder is getting shorter and shorter.

It is so hard being in the real world. I knew this before i got into it but I didn't think that with all the education that I have it would be this difficult......