Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So I looked thru your phone
So I didn't hear back from her Sunday night so I assumed that the talk went on as planned. I texted her Monday after work and asked was everything OK,she called me. "hell no" is what she said. The gf basically tried to lie to her face but once she could recite the texts word for word,that didn't go over to well. We didn't get to finish our convo but from the sounds of it ,she is mad. But will she leave the gf of course not. Lil Bit doesn' want to give up the financial backing that the gf gives her. I think it would take for her to walk in on another girl or man(which the gf swears she doesn't mess with). For her to kick her to the curb. Later on when I didn't hear back from her, I offered a relaxing massage and some other things. She went along with the text but of course she didn't come over. It is a cat and mouse game for me. I just want to conquer a conquest I have had my mind on for awhile. No strings attached. The one night we were together she was happy and had a smile on her face. Something I don't think with her gf she does enough of. She said that certain things had gotten better but now all of this has happened. She said if gf really pushes her to the edge she will never date another girl.
hhhmmmmm never say never..............
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Missing You part 3 Final
At the funeral it was probably the first time I had ever seen my dad show any emotion. To this day both of his parents are still alive. He hasn't went thru a major loss yet and he is into his 60's. Some people are so lucky. I wonder sometimes what was going thru his head at that moment. I mean he was a rolling stone. Did he really love my mother that much? My sister one of them,took it very hard. She really did like my mom and she cared about me as well. It was genuine. More so then with any of my other siblings.It had been a long week for me. It was my spring break and the funeral was that Saturday. I returned to school that Monday. I had a mission to finish. My mom was a pagent type and well I was a tomboi. But my 9th grade year I told her I would enter the pageant for my school. She helped me as best she could and well I won Miss 9th grade. It was a bitter sweet moment because she didn't get to see me in my white dress accepting my trophy ,but I knew she was there.
My life was different.What plans I had, how I thought my life was going to go. All of that changed. I didn't see my mom's family again till i graduated from high school and my grandma pretty much stopped talking to me because of it for awhile. I wanted to invite them and it seemed as if I had committed the biggest sin of all. For a long time my grandma could not see or talk to me because I looked to much like my mother and it hurt her so bad. She would hit me and scratch me. It was a horrible experience. This moment changed my life forever. Losing a parent affects people differently. For me,it was like my life started completely over.....
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Missing You Part 2
I woke up the next morning to find my dad and no mother around. She was back in the hospital. She had gotten sick while I was sleep and he had admitted her. He had just came home to take me to school and he was going back. he told me to prepare myself because it may be the end. Needless to say school was not on my mind at all while I sat in class. I left school and ran down to the high school down the street. There my older sister and my older cousin were in school. The assistant principal was friends with my dad. She saw me crying and asked what was wrong. No one really knew about my mom being sick. Her and my dad kind of sheltered the situation away from those that they could. I told her that I needed my sister or cousin to take me to the hospital that was like right next door because I was to young to get in by myself. My cousin came to the office. I hadn't seen her in three years. She was shocked to see me. I told her why I was there and she got furious. Not at me but at the fact that I was having to go thru this alone and none of my family knew.
She called her dad immediately. My uncle as I call him has always been the one in the family to take care of the elderly and the sick. He never wants anyone to go without. He was so livid with my father for not saying anything to the family. And mad at my grandma as well. My grandmother had told the family that the reason they hadn't seen us was because my mother had a misscarriage. She lied to them over and over again. Actually my grandma's sister had died the year before and that was the last time we had seen a lot of them. And we didn't stay at that funeral long. My grandma had forbidden me and my mother from seeing the family. Yes I said forbidden. It was like we were in the world alone but we really weren't. Some of my family now thinks that my grandma was just ashamed at the fact that I was birthed out of wedlock and that my parents weren't and had never been married. I had not even met my father and knew he was my father till I was 8. Anyway,so my cousin took me to see her and it was a shock for her to see her in the bed as well. Most of the younger people in the family loved my mom. She was the youngest grandchild of my great grandma's children. So she seemed to be the cool one, who would always do fun stuff with the great grand kids.
My cousin knew her dad was not going to be happy about this because he treated my mom like a lil sister and all of this had been going on and he knew nothing. I knew the next two weeks was not going to be fun for me..and the tough skin on me began to grow.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Missing You
It was a hot day in June ,my mom and dad sat me down in their room. I knew this was not going to be a good talk. They asked me did I believe in God still(i was focusing on getting baptized the next year). I told them that my faith was stronger then ever. Then the words came out of her mouth,"I am sick". Now me being young I'm thinking OK everyone gets sick you will be ok in a couple of days right? And she told me no,she had cancer. My whole life seemed to drop down in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know how to react to it. It wasn't caught early enough so she was pretty far along and they had to start treatment immediately. So began my tasks. My mother began to get weak from the chemo and her hair began to fall out. My mom was the strongest person I knew and to see her so weak and so helpless was hard for me. I didn't know how to handle it. I had to give her shots,give her baths. Take care of her as if she was not a grown woman. It was so hard for me. My dad worked two jobs to pay the bills since she couldn't work. That summer I really didn't do much but take care of her. I went out every once in awhile because she made me,but I never really wanted to. She was in and out of the hospital which was down the street from my school. I would go to see her and sit there and just talk. I think one of the good things about it was how we talked and I learned so much that I hadn't taken the time to talk to her about.
Well months went on. Feb came and she got really sick. I prayed for the lord to let her see my birthday just one last birthday please. And the week of my birthday she felt better than she had in a long time. She was able to eat cake and enjoy my birthday with me. I was so happy. then two weeks later she went into the hospital again. Never to return home....
It was the worst feelings I had ever had in my life. and even though it has been 12 years since she passed it still hits me like it was yesterday. Even now as I type I am crying. It hurts. So many times I ask why ,why did I have to lose my mother when so many people don't even appreciate theirs. I know moms can be crazy and get on your nerves sometimes but I would love for my mom to be here just be here. Sometimes people don't realize how blessed they are..........
I have to stop now i will continue later.....
My Strawberry Letter
I have a girl I am very interested in. Needless to say she is in a relationship. I want to be with her but I know that I can't or I say I make myself not do things. I think that I tell myself that if she really wanted to be out of her situation and with me ,it would have already happened. I kissed her lips and I fell in love with the touch. I think about it all the time. But then the thought of her girlfriend enters my mind and brings me back down to reality. It is so hard. But not so hard. I have never cheated before and I don't want to start now. It manages to come back to you. Man I don't like being alone.....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
If I Could Go Back
Sunday, March 8, 2009
This is the first time I have gone thru a breakup with someone and had to deal with them talking to the person that caused the break up.Every time I hear Country D on the phone with her,it makes my heart hurt. I think about how she loves talking to her and being around her and I wonder if at anytime she felt that way about me. I don't know why but I still have love for her. I sit and wonder sometimes what went wrong. I don't blame myself but I blame both of us. At different times the fault was with both of us but I never strayed when it was about us. I was with her and only her. That was not the case on her side.
Even now working on a friendship seems like a one sided game. I don't know if it will ever be the same as it once was. That is a big price u pay when u decide to date a friend. I think back to the night that I told her I was in love with her and a part of me feels like it was the biggest mistake I ever made. But at the same time I think it was a life changing experience that we both needed to go thru. Neither one of us would have date with the feelings that we had inside had I not said anything at that moment.
I just never thought I would get to a point where everything she does irks me in some kind of way. I try to tell her how I feel but it seems to go in one ear and out the other. A friend should not have to go thru that. But I have to remember. I am an ex,not just a friend but an Ex. You never want your ex to be a part of your future to the point where everything you do with your new friend plays a part in your life with your ex. I am going to be real about it. The girl that she has feelings for was suppose to be my friend to. I felt betrayed and really don't want her in our crib. So therefore she has to bring her here when I am not here and things like that. The only time I am really not here is now when I am at work. The girl came over. I honestly thought she was going to anyway but I never expected Country D to tell me. She has tried to be better about the honesty situation which I don't want to give her credit to soon. She may switch it up again and go back to the old lying ways so I need to see how long this is going to last.
But the other girl I feel has completly ruined my home life. It was going fine till she came into the picture. But then I look at her home life and well she isn't happy with her girlfriend. So basically she turned my life upside down to get away from her own drama. Now what or who am I suspose to go to? I am not the talk to anyone type of person. It has to be a reason and a means for me to talk to someone. So I guess I need to jump on that track,so this girl will stop urking me.
I went to ATL this weekend with Country D and some friends. And instead of talking to me in the backseat for most of the time in the car she was texting and on the phone with the girl. So i sat there just getting irritated about the whole thing and wanting to just get out of the car as soon as possible.I know I shouldn't let somebody or anybody for that matter get under my skin. But I just hate the whole situation and I don't know if I will ever be ok with it. She spends all of her time making sure that this girl is happy and put a smile on her face but she doesn't try that hard to keep our friendship that she said she so desperately wanted. I just don't get it......
I could never be friends with someone who could just stab someone in the back and not care. It is like and I still feel sometimes like she doesn't care how I feel. She says she does but she never does the things she should. It is not worth the battle sometimes to argue or say anything about it. And to make it even crazier she reads this very blog. And she knows how I feel no matter what the situation may be and it still never changes. How can best friends sit in a car and not say one word to each other for a 4 hour trip back and forth. It is like I am not interesting enough or we have nothing in common which is not the case. Part of me gets upset because I use to be the one that she told everything to and since we did the whole relationship thing that has changed. I never wanted us to end up like this. And it hurts my heart that we have. All our dreams and aspirations that we had together just as friends seem to have all been thrown at the window with our relationship. I just sit back and wonder sometimes...I never thought I would be the one to be left alone with nothing.
What Is It Really?
I crave it like food. It seems like it calls my name when she walks into a room. Maybe I just like sex to much. And it's really just the sex I crave. Even though we have been broke up for some months now and even though she cheated. Im still attracted.Even when I meet someone new it is still not that same feeling. I can kiss someone and I don't get any of the same feelings. It is so hard to let go. Maybe I need to try to take a honest break from sex.But I have to be honest I love it so much. That interacting between two people. After you have had sex with someone for years can u honestly do it and not have feelings? I don't think it is possible. Maybe it is.
I am really not into the person that Country D has become but I am interested in the sex. She doesn't want me to touch her at all sometimes but then when it comes to just taking the pussy and giving her pleasure it seems to be no problem no there. I must be doing something right. But what rode will this lead us down? She is into a another guy and girl right now. Go figure. I don't think she really cares about the guy though. I really believe she is starting to find herself in the gay world. Her attraction to women is not something she can hide anymore. It is not something she tries to avoid. She says that before me and her got together she had never had feelings for a woman. I don't know if I believe that anymore. She still to my knowledge has not told anyone close to her like her old friends and family. One of her best friends is bi . I thought she would at least tell her considering she would understand more than anybody.
One of her cousins found out on accident. We ended up being at a part together and Country D kissed LIPS in front of her. I was in shock. In the past she would never have done anything like that in front of her. Even though her cousin is very out and very much a stud. It was just interesting to me because she still does not see herself as being gay or bi. She says she just likes who she likes. I'm not saying she has to put a title on herself but she does need to do some soul searching. It is crazy and it continues to get crazier as the days go on.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
New Job
It is going to take some getting use to.I want to be a HR trainer and I am going to be a HR trainer. I do like my training class. They are a laid back group. And I saw my first "stud" today. Fems you have to kind of fish out especially when you work somewhere that everyone dresses up at. Of course the stud had on a button up like me(from the men's section of Express). We kind of gave each other the"yea that's wassup) look. So it was cool. I need to lose weight and quick. I have got to step the wardrobe up or at least be able to get into some of my old clothes. We will see if i can make that happen by the end of the month. But I am back blogging now. I think I am in the swing of things. I'll be catching everybody up on everything! Now it is time to eat I am starving!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Snowy Days in Tn


