About Me

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somewhere, Tennessee, United States
i am who i am. to know me is to love me.....i am trying to become the person god wants me to be.......

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Missing You part 3 Final

After that trip to the hospital, I knew it was the end. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach. My bestfrienddid a visit withme and we both sat on my mom's hospital bed. She told us to look out for each other and to not let each other fall. It was always funny because my mom and my best friend had the same name. Everyone thought it was cute lol. But that last night was the last we spent together. The next morning the last breathleft my mom's mouth. She looked so peaceful and well I couldn't cry. I knew she was no longer hurting and that she was resting. From that moment on my life changed for ever. At the funeral I was surprised when I walked in the church and my entire class was there. People that I didn't even talk to on a daily basis but they were there. I was told later on that everyone loved me ,because I was so nice and I always did things for people. Well I was raised that that is what you are supposeto do. I was never one to talk about people or put them down. It just wasn't in me. I didn't like drama and tried to hang around people who felt the same.

At the funeral it was probably the first time I had ever seen my dad show any emotion. To this day both of his parents are still alive. He hasn't went thru a major loss yet and he is into his 60's. Some people are so lucky. I wonder sometimes what was going thru his head at that moment. I mean he was a rolling stone. Did he really love my mother that much? My sister one of them,took it very hard. She really did like my mom and she cared about me as well. It was genuine. More so then with any of my other siblings.It had been a long week for me. It was my spring break and the funeral was that Saturday. I returned to school that Monday. I had a mission to finish. My mom was a pagent type and well I was a tomboi. But my 9th grade year I told her I would enter the pageant for my school. She helped me as best she could and well I won Miss 9th grade. It was a bitter sweet moment because she didn't get to see me in my white dress accepting my trophy ,but I knew she was there.

My life was different.What plans I had, how I thought my life was going to go. All of that changed. I didn't see my mom's family again till i graduated from high school and my grandma pretty much stopped talking to me because of it for awhile. I wanted to invite them and it seemed as if I had committed the biggest sin of all. For a long time my grandma could not see or talk to me because I looked to much like my mother and it hurt her so bad. She would hit me and scratch me. It was a horrible experience. This moment changed my life forever. Losing a parent affects people differently. For me,it was like my life started completely over.....

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